The Horse and the Ass A Horse and an Ass were travelling together, the Horse prancing along in its fine trappings, the Ass carrying with difficulty the heavy weight in its panniers. "I wish I were you," sighed the Ass; "nothing to do and well fed, and all that fine harness upon you." Next day, however, there was a great battle, and the Horse was wounded to death in the final charge of the day. His friend, the Ass, happened to pass by shortly afterwards and found him on the point of death. "I was wrong," said the Ass: "Better humble security than gilded danger."
hide comments 2011-6-4 12:39 PM - Now I know who the brinay one is, Ill keep looking for your posts. Now I know who the brinay one is, Ill keep looking for your posts. 2011-6-4 00:03 AM - Your awnesr was just what I needed. Its made my day! Your awnesr was just what I needed. Its made my day! 2009-10-20 10:26 AM - Very nice site! Very nice site! 2009-7-14 10:26 AM - ALDRIEL BREIL IT IS A GOOD STORY CAUSE IT HAS NO DIFFERENCE INTO MY ATTITUDE 2009-2-20 07:28 PM - john SANSONETTI pour poooop ass 2004-9-28 01:18 PM - Neo My name is Neo 2004-9-23 02:29 PM - kunq foo fighter I know kung foo 2004-9-22 12:57 PM - foo fighter #1 I fight foo 2003-11-21 06:13 PM - JJ THATS A GOOD MORAL BECAUSE EVERY ONE SHOULD PROUD OF JUST BEING THEM SELVES 2003-11-21 06:11 PM - keon GOOD! 2003-10-31 04:05 PM - i dont get it this didnt amuse me at all 2003-6-15 02:57 AM - eel I love this one 2003-3-11 02:05 PM - Kimberley I like the story because it had agood meaning. 2003-3-11 02:02 PM - lydia I liked this story and it had a good meaning. 2002-3-25 03:12 AM - an ass I don't think there are any trolls in aesop's fables, natalie... 2000-11-13 11:44 AM - an ass Poor Ass! I bet he thinks twice about wanting to be a horse next time! |